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Basic TipBot Commands

Our Discord TipBot is working only with / (slash command) as required by Discord.

If you have any issue with these help, kindly join our Discord Please go to Advance for additional commands.


You can check any supported coin in our Discord TipBot with /deposit <token name>. You can also select a <token name> from dropdown menu or you can type it directly.

Example /balance token: wrkz, /balance token: doge.

In case you would like to go to plain format of the address. /deposit token: doge plain: plain.

Extra MEMO / PaymentId for deposit

Some coin/token requires MEMO. Please always include your unique MEMO if requires.

Deposit coin/token

Deposit command

Checking balance(s)

The balance can be checked everytime with /balance <token name>. If you would like to check all coins/tokens, please use /balances (with s). It's possible to check a coin/token's balance from /deposit menu. You would see a button "Balance".

Check coin/token's balance

Balance(s) command


You can sort your balance by value $ or by alphabet. You can also add a coin/token to your favorite with the menu "Add" or "Remove". The favorite coins/tokens will be shown at the first page when you command /balances.

Withdraw / Send

The command /withdraw is the same as /send. You can check each coin's withdraw fee with /coininfo coin: coin_name. Each withdraw, TipBot will ask for a confirmation with a fee.

Withdraw/send command

Withdraw/Send command

For tokens such as Stellar assets, you can use /transfer token: command. TipBot will popup and allow you to give MEMO. For CryptoNote coin, /transfer token: will allow you to give Payment Id.

Transfer command

Transfer command


Tipping can be done with /tip command. Bot will popup all necessary parameters and optionally additional parameter(s). Simple tipping is done by /tip amount:1k token:wrkz args:@Rogerrobers#6434. arg: can be by mention people or roles. TipBot also support the args: with last 10u for those 10 people who chatted in the tipping channel.

Basic tip command

Basic tip command
  • /tip amount: token: args:last 30mn: This will tip the last users who actively texted last 30 minutes in the commanded channel.

  • /tipall amount: token: This will spread the amount of coin to all online users in the Guild (by default). Example: /tipall 10 doge will spread your only 10 doge to all online users in the commanded Guild.

Tip all command

Tipall command
  • /randtip amount: token: Do a random tip to a Discord user in the commanded guild.

Rain / Drop

TipBot contains a few commands for rain such as:

  • /freetip amount: token: duration: (optional parameters verify: comment:): this command allow you to drop an amount of a coin/token for a period set in duration. The amount will be split among all the collectors.


/freetip command
  • /triviatip amount: token: duration: TipBot will give a random question and posted 4 answers and only one of them is correct. Reward will be distributed equally to the winner(s).


/triviatip command
  • /mathtip amount: token: duration: math_exp: Give a math_exp and let Discord user select the correct answer among the 4 answers. Reward will be distributed equally to the winner(s).


/mathtip command
  • /quickdrop amount: token: will drop an amount of a coin/token and the first person collected will get the reward alone.


/quickdrop command
  • /partydrop min_amount: sponsor_amount: token: duration: let other people to join the /partydrop by giving the entry amount with you. The person execute command will need to set the min_amount for other participant to join and he/she needs to set what is the amount he/she will initiate at the beginning. Each user can tap to join as many times as they can before the time expires.


/partydrop command